fbcPRESCHOOL is open at 9:00 and 10:30.


Details about our Weekday Preschool Program can be found by clicking HERE. 


In fbcPRESCHOOL ministry, infants through kindergarteners experience safe environments where they can learn Biblical truth in an age-appropriate and relevant way. Our prayer is that every child will come to know Jesus as Lord and our vision is to lay a foundation for following Christ.

What's Coming Up:

November 9 - Operation Christmas Child Packing Party at 6PM. Details coming soon!

November 20 - fbcKIDS' Christmas Musical at 5:30PM

fbcPRESCHOOL ministry programs consist of:

Sundays: During our 9:00am and 10:30am services, we offer life groups for infants through kindergarten. During this time, children participate in a Bible lesson with related activities and crafts to help our little learners better understand foundational truths about God, Jesus, Church, and the Bible.

Wednesdays: From 6pm to 7:30pm, activities are offered for infants through kindergarten.  During this time, preschoolers learn Bible lessons through music and missions activities.

Parent Discipleship: We want to help you teach your children to follow Jesus throughout the week. Preschoolers receive take home pages each Sunday with family activities and discussion topics that apply to the lesson they learned in their life groups. Parents can also sign-up for our weekly e-newsletter to get these discipleship helps and other resources. Parents are encouraged to get plugged into adult Life Groups at FBC Garner. When you are growing spiritually, you are better able to help your child grow. Visit our Life Groups page for details.

FIRST VISIT: If this will be your first visit to FBC Garner, we would love to greet you at our Check-in station on the first floor of building 4, where we’ll meet your preschoolers and check them into our system. From there, our volunteers will lead your child to their age appropriate room. Upon checking in for the first time, we will ask for the following personal information (Disclaimer: we value your privacy and we are not going to share this info with anyone). Parent/guardian Names, child’s name, child’s birthday, home address, phone number, and any special instructions, needs, or allergies for your children.

CHECK-IN & SAFETY: At fbcPRESCHOOL your child's safety is our first priority. During preschool activities, all children are checked in, given a nametag, and parents are given a security tag for pick-up. Upon arrival, a volunteer will make sure you receive the appropriate tag. When you return to pick up your child, go directly to your child’s room and present your pick-up tag. Our workers will match the pick-up tag with a corresponding number on your child’s nametag. 

We ask that only the parent/guardian or immediate family members are present during drop off/pick up. This keeps hallway traffic to a minimum and promotes a safe transition for all preschool families.

All of our preschool workers are screened and background checked before they are permitted to serve on the preschool hall.

We understand that leaving your babies and preschoolers for the first time can be nerve racking. At check-in a volunteer will ensure that we have a current cell number in our system for emergencies. You are also welcome to stop by the preschool hall during activities to check on your child through the classroom window. We do ask that you refrain from entering the room if possible. Our baby nursery offers a partitioned nursing space for feeding during church activities. Parents/guardians must have their pick-up tag with them in order to check on their kids or utilize the nursing space.

WEEKDAY PRESCHOOL: FBC Garner offers a weekday preschool ministry on campus. To learn more about this ministry and how to register your preschooler, visit the ministry page here.

GOT QUESTIONS? We’d love to talk to you. Get in touch with our Preschool Ministry Leader here.  

Get In Touch

Email us with your prayer requests, praise reports, or questions about a relationship with Jesus.  If you have questions about a first-time visit or would like to know which Life Group might be best for you - email us!